I wanted to let everyone know that Alison biopsy went very well yesterday. She didn't have to stay over night and she should know something by Friday. When I spoke to her she was very tired and had a headache. She is such a trooper and always has her game face on. The girls and I will be leaving today to go and see her. There so excited to see Auntie Ali and the kitty's. Plus we will get to spend time with Heather and baby Elliot, which Chastity will just be kissing all over. I know that there going to be spending the day with us one day. My mom is also down there helping out. I'm looking forward to going and spending time with Alison. And I think that her and I might go out and doing something together. Which doesn't happen with having the girls with me. But because mom is there then she can watch them for me. Chad will be staying home ,working, and of course babysitting the Solider.

I also wanted to give an update on Chastity. She is doing very well, her toe seems to bother her some when I have to touch it but rather then that it's fine. And her head seems to be fine but it is also the same way when I have to touch it or she touch it then you hear her say "och". She got to take a bath on Monday for the first time and was all exited about it until I wouldn't let her wash her own hair and then she couldn't play. It has to be a in and out thing because I can't let her toe be under water for a long time. She did rip the bandies off on Saturday when my mom had her so I had to come up with something myself because it was supposed to stay on there for at least a week if it could stay on for two weeks that would be great. We still are taping her hands and feet at nap and bed time so she can't get them off. I add a picture of her showing off her new look that she gets to wear around for at least 10 more days. It funny because the other night we went out to dinner and of course people look at her. And she also had in big letters wrote in purple YES on her foot and on her arm, mark both on the left side. They had to do that so then it just confirms were to do the surgery at. I tryed to wash it off but it isn't going anywhere. It's still there even though she has had two baths. Maybe after her bath today it will come off but if not it's not that big of a deal.
1 comment:
I hope that Chastity heals up good for ya! Poor thing! And I hope you enjoy your trip and get to spend all the quality time you can with Alison! Tell her and Gladiator I said hi! She is always in my thoughts and prayers!
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