Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting Married

Sorry for the lack of blogging. I have been really busy.

After waiting for the past four years. We have finally set a date to get married.... May 29th 2010. I'm so excited, I have a lot already done and some planning still to do. I got my dress this weekend. And lets just say it was $500.00 and I didn't even pay half of that. I have the baker and the florist already book. The church and the reception hall book also.
My flowers are going to be Orange roses and Pink peonies. Which were some of Ali's favorite.
I also have got a lot of things from Esty which is a wonderful website, if you have never been check it out. A lot of the things are homemade. i got the girls flower girl dresses off of there and they were only $13.00 dollars. They are going to be made out of a pillow case. I wanted a dress that they could wear more then once. And then my kissing balls are made out of silk ties. Which there will be some orange in those also with butterflies in them.
We also decided to write our own wedding vows together. I also got his ring last week and he got me a new ring, and it is Beutiful!!!!!
I can't wait to be Mrs. Chadwick H. Eash.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Cutting Alyssa's hair off.

Alyssa's hair has been cut. It now will be mailed to LOCKS OF LOVE in MEMORY of AUNTIE ALI. Alyssa cried the whole it Kayla cut her hair. Not what I thought she do, but hey shes my emotional one. Now that it's over she loves the way it looks and she is so happy that a boy or girl will get here hair. And she knows that Auntie Ali is proud of herself also. It's really hard to put into words how great it feels to know that you are helping someone out. And also to know that your daughter was so willing to grow her hair out and cut it off. "Its just hair"
I can't wait to cut mine!!!!
We love and miss you Ali.